Morrissey & Marr
The Severed Alliance
by Johnny Rogan


Hardcover edition

Published by Omnibus Press, summer 1992
ISBN: 0-7119-1838-4
This was the first serious biography of the Smiths to have been published. It was firmly disapproved by Morrissey. The book contains important factual inaccuracies and is now dated. Fans and other people curious to learn about the Smiths will prefer Tony Fletcher's "A Light That Never Goes Out - The Enduring Saga Of The Smiths".

Revised softcover edition

Published by Omnibus Press, July 1993
ISBN: 0-7119-3000-7

Japanese edition?

Published in 1993 by Shinko
Little is known about this item. It has been assumed to be a Japanese edition of "The Severed Alliance", but it looks more like one of those lyrics/discography books often published by Shinko. Johnny Rogan's name doesn't even appear on the front. Information needed.

20th Anniversary edition

Published in June 2012 by Omnibus Press
ISBN: 1780383045 / 978-1780383040
Revised and updated. About 200 pages more than the previous edition.

Johnny Rogan is also the author of "The Visual Documentary", "Morrissey - The Albums" and "The Smiths And Morrissey/Marr: The Complete Guide To Their Music".